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Landscape Analysis Through Maps

Class 10th Social Science Part Ii Kerala Board Solution

Let Us Assess
Question 1.

Find out the location of settlements and graveyard in the given grid, using the 4-figure grid reference method.


Every grid on map has two sets of lines, one going horizontally from the left to the right of the map, called northings, and the vertical lines that cuts the map from the top to the bottom, called the eastings. Each of these lines are named with a number.

The northings show how far north the square is in the grid, and the eastings show how far east the square is in the grid. Hence, these two lines (or any two intersecting lines for that matter) forms the location of any square on the grid.

However, while naming a square the lines used for naming are the south line, for northing and the west line, for easting. Since, these lines are showing how far in either direction.

Also, while giving the grid reference the eastings (west line number) are given first, followed by the northing (south line number).

Hence, for the given grid. The square names are the following:

Square 1: 2277

Square 2: 2377


In the above map, the settlement is in Square 2, hence the location of the settlement, based on the 4-figure grid reference method is 2377

The graveyard is located in Square 1, and the reference is 2277.

Question 2.

Find out the location of spring, mosque, railway station, police station, and well in the given grid, using the 6-figure grid reference method.


Now, the 6-figure grid reference method is only slightly different from the 4-figure reference method.

To use the 6-figure grid reference method, one must imagine another set of grids over any particular square(s), such that the square is further divided into 100 tiny squares.

Finally, while refereeing any particular tiny square within the bigger square, the eastings go first followed by northings.

For example, 34_55_, the blank spaces in the 6-figure grid reference are for the easting and northing of the tiny square.

Therefore, in the given square (usually if 6-figure grid reference method questions are asked, a corresponding grid structure will be provided), the location of the following are (in approximation):

Spring: represented by symbol +, is in the square 3554, and is approximately in the tiny square with reference 78. Thus, the location of the spring is 357548.

Mosque: represented by, is in the square 3454, and is approximately in the tiny square with reference 36. Thus, the location of the spring is 343546.

Railway Station: represented by ‘RS’, is in the square 3554, and is approximately in the tiny square with reference 53. Thus, the location of the spring is 355543.

Police Station: represented by ‘PS, is in the square 3454, and is approximately in the tiny square with reference 53. Thus, the location of the spring is 345543.

Well: represented by a circle, is in the square 3554, and is approximately in the tiny square with reference 18. Thus, the location of the spring is 351548.

Question 3.

Match the contour in Column A with the shape of landforms in Column B.


Contour lines are lines on a map joining points of equal height above or below sea level.

These lines, thus, represents elevation in a map. The space between the lines indicate the steepness or shallowness of any landforms.

Hence, if these lines are packed closer to each other, the landform is more steeper and gains or loses elevation quickly, and if the lines are spaced a little apart from each other, then the landform is shallower and gains or loses elevation slowly.

Based on the above information, one can match the contours in column A to the landforms in column B in the following way:

1 – B

2 – E

3 – D

4 – C

5 – F

6 – A

Extended Activities
Question 1.

Collect different toposheets and interpret the marginal information as well as the physical and cultural features, and prepare short notes.


Do it yourself.