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Class 10th Biology Kerala Board Solution

Let Us Assess
Question 1.

When we view nearby objects,
A. ciliary muscles relax

B. curvature of lens decreases

C. ciliary muscles contract

D. focal length increases


Question 2.

Identify the odd one and write down the common feature of others.

Malleus, Eustachian tube, Stapes, Incus


Odd one- Eustachian Tube

Eustachian Tube is a Canal, It connects pharynx and the middle ear.

Malleus, Stapes and Incus are tiny bones/Ossicles.

Common Features- all are located in the middle ear.

Question 3.

Copy the figure. Identify the parts according to the hints and label them.

a. The part where the muscles that regulate the size of the pupil are seen.

b. The chamber which is filled with vitreous humor.

c. The layer of eye where photoreceptors are seen.


a. Iris- the blue part in front of the light blue coloured lens.

b. Posterior Cavity- the major part of the eye, behind the light blue coloured lens is all vitreous humor.

c. Retina- the yellow coloured inner layer, just surrounding the vitreous humor.