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Class 8th Sociology Karnataka Board Solution

Question 1.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

Culture means _________


The transfer of knowledge, experience, belief, value, behaviour, hierarchy, a relationship from generation to generation

Culture means the transfer of knowledge, experience, belief, value, behaviour, hierarchy, a relationship from generation to generation. The term Culture is derived from the Latin word ‘Colere’ which means tend or to cultivate. It is a system of life and knowledge that is shared among the social group.

Question 2.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

Customs mean ____________ activities.



Customs mean Social activities. Unlike Culture, customs are practiced by an individual or a community for a very long time. Custom can also be called as Tradition. For example – it is a custom to take blessings, do namaskara or shake hands when the guest arrives.

Question 3.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

________ in diversity is found in India.



Unity in diversity is found in India. India is the country where we find unity in diversity. People of different language and culture live in the same state or city and share their cultures. We find the paintings and representations depicting the culture of the Karnataka along with the representations of Rajasthan. During the time of Republic day celebrations, India shows unity in diversity.

Question 4.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

__________ relationship is found between culture and society.



The Mutual relationship is found between culture and society. The existence of society depends upon the culture. Culture is a part of society. Since the beginning of the civilization, a culture existed and created human interactions. In other words, it led to the evolution of human society.

Question 5.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate words:

Culture is the __________ of transfer of ideas from generation to generation.



Culture is the way of transfer of ideas from generation to generation. It forms the base or a tool through which an individual can pass on his beliefs, values, knowledge, hierarchy as a part of his culture from one generation to another.

Question 6.

What is culture?


Culture is the transfer of ideas from one generation to another regarding the life pattern of a group of people, their beliefs and values, knowledge and experiences. It is a treasure of knowledge which forms the base of society and human interactions. India has a rich culture here peoples speak multiple languages, they belong to different faiths and communities and still living together from ancient time. Indian culture is an amalgamation of multiple cultures that’s why it holds characteristics from different cultures. Indian history is million years long and our culture had evolved in those million years that’s why Indian culture is so diverse. India is the birthplace of multiple faiths, civilizations but we still live together.

Question 7.

Give examples of cultural diversity present in your neighbourhood.


Culture diversity means when we find customs or behavioral patterns of different types of different people existing at the same place. The lane where I live there are people of other religions and from different places too, but everyone lives together and helps each other. We all celebrate our festivals together. The Muslim people at the time of Ramzan celebrate their festival; the people from Bihar celebrate Chhath puja; Hindu celebrates Diwali. Also, they distribute the food to all the houses. This is an example of culture diversity.

Question 8.

Who divided the culture into two groups?


William Fielding Ogburn, an American Sociologist divided the Culture into two groups – Material and Non-material culture. Material and non-material culture are the physical objects like the technology, roads, and non physical objects such as thoughts, values, and knowledge respectively.

Question 9.

What is material culture?


Material culture is the physical objects which are visible to the eyes and can be used as a tool. For example:- House, building, Bridge, Road, dam, machines, industries, production centers, technology, computer, etc. it is the made by converting natural resources into the man-made structures. It is called civilization.

Material culture-Material culture includes all those physical objects that are visible to the eyes and the tools used by human beings.

Non-material culture- it includes thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and values.

Question 10.

What is non-material culture?


Non material culture is the non-physical objects, in other words, it is the human achievements. For example:- tradition, ritual, custom, values, thoughts, knowledge, belief, art, literature, religion, language, etc. as compared to the material culture, non material culture changes slowly and remains for a long time as these are the transfer of ideas from one generation to the another.

Question 11.

What is a custom? Give examples.


Customs is a tradition which is followed by an individual or a community as a way of life. It is passed on from generation to generation. In other words, it is a practice or actions performed by the people regularly as a part of their culture. Different countries follow various customs. For example – in India, we have the custom to wear Mangalsutra or Sindoor after marriage; in Karnataka, we observe Hindu traditions and customs like greet people with the Namaskara; it is custom to remove footwear before entering to the religious place.

Question 12.

Explain the cultural diversity.


Culture diversity refers to the different traditions, customs, and beliefs of the people of different race, religion, sex, and gender. The best example of culture diversity is the fairs. Fair is an event where we find the people of different religions, caste, color, sex celebrating or sharing their customs, art, and knowledge of the world.

It is not a religious event. Here, people from various cities and villages collectively sell their art or objects to the people and make them aware of their culture.

Fair is the best example of cultural diversity.

Question 13.

Explain the features of Culture.


In the words of E.B.Tylor, “Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, rules and regulations, traditions and any other capabilities earned by the human being as a member of society”. The various features of the culture are as follows:-

● Culture is Abstract – culture is the non-physical objects, in other words, it is a lifestyle of a group of people which is passed on from generation to generation. The process of how it is passed is in a form of abstract and not concrete or physical structure.

● Culture is Social – it is the sharing of ideas, thoughts, customs and rituals, food, dress with the society. Culture is not personal it is social.

● Culture is Learnt- culture is learned through interactions. We learn about the culture of society, parents, elders, and teachers. It is learned through the process of socialization.

● Culture is co-existence- it is a condition where we all share our ideas. Culture provides an opportunity where the individuals share their knowledge, beliefs, thoughts, and customs with others.

● Culture is continuous – culture never stops rather it keeps on adding in it a new idea. Everything in culture such as art, beliefs, imagination, rules become complex. It is a continuous process.

● Culture is diverse – We find people of different caste, color, creed living at the same place and sharing different thoughts. People with different Food Habits and Dressing Sense Live at the same place in harmony. Thus, achieving unity in diversity is important.

Question 14.

Culture and society are two faces of the same coin. How?


Yes, Culture and society are two faces of the same coin. Culture creates human interactions and this led to the formation of the society. The rules created for society are based on cultural aspects. Our culture is what makes us different from animals. Individuals in the society have to follow these rules to maintain the different behavioral patterns that existed in the society. For example – how we interact with our elders are dependent on our culture in families and society.

Question 15.

Explain the features of the fair.


Fairs are the best example of cultural diversity. The various features of the fair are as follows:-

● We find people of different caste, religion, creed, colour, gender.

● This is a place where people show their culture in the form of skills, art, language, food, and dress.

● In India, fairs are an important cultural event of the people from the rural areas.

● It is a temporary market for farmers; artisans come here to show their skills. It is also a place for fun and entertainment.

Question 16.

You collect the details of fairs that are held in our place from elders. Make a list of its duration, period, and other details.


Pushkar fair of Rajasthan is an event where we find people selling and buying various products. Even the people from other countries come and visit this fair.

Question 17.

With the help of your teachers organise programmes that depict cultural diversity.


The program that we could organise in schools can be an event similar to fairs which can include-

● The place where the student will bring and sell their handmade objects.

● Students can also make and sell foods of their own culture like South Indian students selling Idli Sambhar and North Indians selling Pani Puri or Paranthas with Dahi.

● Also, plays and dances can be organised. Plays and dances of different states and of people of different culture can be depicted in the school.

● Competitions can be held of singing, sports or any other cultural program.